Despite what it looks like,
Where I want to be,
I'm making the most
And enjoying the journey
I had to change the way I see
So my vision could become clear
Creating my destiny
I am stronger
Planted in my truth
I am wiser
Lessons learn in my youth
I am abundance
Riches of my soul
I am prosperity
My spirit draped in gold,
I am health
Healing me from within,
I am wealth
Overflowing dripping zen
I am gifted
Sharing my talents worldwide
I am light
Shining bright unable to dim what's inside
I am love
Giving freely from my overflow
I am power
Illuminating and elevating wherever I go
I am peace
The calm in raging seas
I am grateful
For the blessings bestowed upon me. ©️7️⃣2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ MLW