Sunday, March 21, 2021

True Love, Real Love

Recently I met someone that I never thought would be anything at first. As times progressed on I realized I had finally found my one true love. In my childhood leading up to my adulthood I would hear stories of the elders one true love. Why they never remarried after their husband or wife passed away. 

I used to think that no one person could fulfill the desire of the heart. I would ask always why you never remarried. This one lady from my neighborhood said Baby, my husband was the best man I have ever known and ever truly loved. God blessed me with a love that transcends time. He was the one for me just as I was the one for him. We were connected in ways that can't be explained. She went on to tell me her story of love and it was so heart warming and empowering that even as a child I knew I wanted to experience that in my life.

What kind of connection can two people have that will continue to fulfill the love even after death? It was magical, to hear of so many stories of love. I often questioned myself if this kind of love does exist. From one relationship after another, one love to the next, thinking that this one will be the one until it wasn't. Then little did I know my life was about to change.

I met someone out the blue, in a time where I was working on me. Trying to heal from a past relationship that had broken pieces of me that I didn't know could be. I was healing and still healing. One day someone hit me up and we began talking little did I know that we would connect on a deeper spiritual level. 

Over the course of a few months the connection grew, the feelings grew and before I knew it I was walking in love with someone I had just met. But it felt as if we knew each other for a lifetime. The conversation was easy, the ability to just be myself and accepted for who I am was there. I was willing to change the things I didn't know were still broken within. My person became my mirror and I welcomed all that I needed to see and change with open arms. 

It wasn't until this person that I understood what the elders of my neighborhood had to say about that one true love. The willingness to want to put in the work, to want to be of service to someone. The desire to elevate as a person and to find someone that's willing to pour into you the way you are willing to pour into them is a divine blessing. Regardless as to where this relationship may or may not go I am forever grateful to have experienced a love like this. But more importantly I am thankful for the person who has afforded me the opportunity to experience such an amazing love from such an amazing person. 

Hearts heal an wounds mend so when you find that one true love be open to receiving it. Be open to experience the ups and downs and ins and outs of the beauty of this kind of love. The twin flame love is one like none you will ever experience again in life. To my twin flame and true love I love you with a love that transcends time and thank you for being my person. Thank you MS for being the beautiful human that you are and know I will always love you in this and other lifetimes. 💖💋💖


Life is short and you live daily let each day be the best that it can be. Let those that you love know that you love them even if it scares you. You both may have the same fears but at least you both are willing to face them together. 

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.