Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let sleeping dogs Lie!

What is the purpose of constantly putting your nose in every one's business?

I have witness a lot in my day about different issues that have gone on in my life and those around me. If for whatever reason an issue is too painful for an individual to handle then LEAVE IT ALONE. Why keep going on about an issue that has nothing to do with you and allowing this person to keep going through so much pain? The only way a person can heal is to forgive, move past the issue, and leave that situation alone. I understand we have friends that help us through some hard times in life but if for whatever reason to keep talking about the same situation than that is causing pain over and over again than leave it alone.
There comes a time in our lives when we must realize that there are times when we can deal with an issue then there is a time where we need to pray and ask for guidance. There are so many things in life that we can be dwelling on that is positive. Yet we allow ourselves to get caught up on the negative issues in life.
Sometimes people can think they are helping but in reality they are making things worst. Not every battle is meant to be fought or even given energy to. So when do we say enough is enough? And learn to let sleeping dogs lie......

How is it that we never want to deal with drama but we are the reason that it is forming in our lives. To keep picking at a wound will never allow for it to heal. Learning to cut ties can be a very forgiving thing and in return began a healing process. Take a stand and start to move forward and enjoy life. If the lies I told you keeps hurting you than cut me off. If I keep using you and you see that is my soul purpose than leave me alone and walk away. If all I can do is make you cry than I have no reason to be a part of your life. Hurt people do hurtful things and sometime we learn from our pain, sometimes we don't. Does the fact that I am hurting give me the right to hurt you or just act out because of my pain? I can choose to do what is right and not act out based on my emotions.
Should I allow my pain to infect those who have my best interest at heart? Or should I seek understanding to find out where I should go from here? There are so many questions in life that go unanswered and not because there isn't an answer. But because we refuse to seek the answer. Is it that we never really move past the hurt or is it that we find comfort in the pain? Dysfunction has become our friend and peace our enemy. Are we becoming a people of weakness and no longer to posses strength? Or is it that we so feeble minded that we can't see life for what it is? I say enough is enough and that we need to let sleeping dogs lie.

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