In life we are given so much grace daily, often too many times we don’t use our grace with wisdom. We tend to get caught up in helping people that no matter to what degree you go they just won’t make better decisions to have a better life. Once we realize that we can’t save everyone that’s the moment you can decide to focus more on being able to discern who is more suitable of the remaining grace that you haven’t given yourself. I am all about uplifting others and helping others out but I am never about wasting my time on someone who just isn’t willing to make a change in their life. I always say to change a man you first have to change his mind. If they can’t change the way they think about themselves or their situation then change won’t come.
In life we all have something that is coming against us whether it is at the work, home or our own personal issues. For each situation there is grace given, if you always chose to give it away stop complaining when there is none left for yourself. Stop getting mad at other people for prioritizing their life, issues and circumstances. You too can do the same thing if you chose to, yet you sit there waiting for someone else to come along and do so. My early years I allowed people to use me, run over me, manipulate me in more ways than one because I wanted to help them or better yet save them. It has taken me some time to learn this lesson but I have finally learned that if I can’t work out my own issues then I can’t help anyone else work out theirs. Often at time when I’m working on me and helping someone at the same time we both are able to open our eyes to see things about ourselves that had that not happened we would have never seen it.
The key to it all is to be able to give to yourself that in which you so desire to give to other people. Never take from those who do the same for you to give to someone that doesn’t. In my younger years I always found myself trying to help out the people that treated me the worst and those that always were there to help me I treated them the worst. I had to sit back and reevaluate what it was I was giving my grace to, so once I did that I realized that I had taken advantage of those who truly cared for me for someone who was just using me. I was able to help someone who didn’t care for me much life better in opposed to helping someone who did care for me. I tell you I was screwed up in my thinking process but I had to learn to change the way I think about things.
I found out that I needed more grace for me at times and how I was using my grace for those who didn’t need it made me feel like a fool. But that in itself was not the right way to think because my intentions were good I was just directing them in the wrong direction. I too had to learn how to change how I saw things in life it wasn’t easy but I saw that it was worth it. So the more I thank God for his grace the more I see that I have to share but it all started with me. I could not continue trying to help someone when I wasn’t helping myself first. I couldn’t continue to preach to someone if I couldn’t live by my own sermons. I confess there was a time when I was a hypocrite but that was a cross I had to bare and shame I wore until I changed me. Because of his GRACE I am a new person, woman with wisdom and understanding.
The point I am trying to make in a nutshell is that use your grace for you first then and only then will your grace for others be more effective. My dream, goal and desires are to help, uplift and inspire those around me. So in order for me to do so I have to be the BEST me first, may God’s grace reign over you as well as it has for me. Blessings ~Monya~