Despite all of the negative I have seen and been through god continues to bless me. Most of the time it seems as if we aren't going to make it through but with faith and love we arrive. How is it that hell can bring so much peace and love?
Often I say keep the faith and know when its not your battle to fight allow god to do what is is destined to do so that it may turn out for your good and give him all the glory and praise. Remember faith without works is dead so know what it is you need to do in order for god to do what is needed of him. I know its easier said than done when we say "let go and let god." There comes a time in our lives that we have to and not worry about what others may think or say about what it is that we are doing.
Believe in the person that you were created to be and move forward in this journey called life. I hope I was able to motivate and uplift someone this morning. Be blessed and be a blessing.